Montage requires Mac OS 10.4 or above and is fully universal and accessible. It is a free upgrade for all Montage 1.0 customers.

The shipping version of Montage 1.5 is now available and sells for $139.95USD. Once a script is complete, Montage allows the user the ability to submit, track, and send a query, synopsis, and scripts to hundreds of included industry contacts through Montage’s integration with Apple’s Address Book. From the ability to import and export Final Draft or text documents, to using custom, pre-formatted templates for film, TV, and theater, to the time-saving Smart Views, Montage guides both the first time screenwriter or the seasoned veteran, from start to finish. Montage makes it easy to create, edit, and manage screenplays on a Macintosh. Trial and full copies are now available on the Mariner Software web site at the following page: It is proof positive of Mariner Software’s commitment to making the best screenwriting software in the industry.” “This free update adds iTunes-like navigation between outline and scene view, more export options, comic book templates, an element picker, more industry contacts, and lots of little improvements. “In its 11th update in under two years, Montage continues delivering the best screenwriting experience on Mac OS X, said Corey Johnson, Director of Product Development for Mariner Software. RTF extension regardless of the export format *Fixed a problem where exporting a file would incorrectly save with a. *Fixed a problem that prevented notes for Scenes (in Outline view), Characters and Locations from not getting saved *Fixed a few different causes of a problem that would cause Montage to hang on Print *Rewrote the entire “styles system,” which controls how styles are applied to text in the script, resulting in greater overall stability of text editing and styling *Added Menu options and buttons for converting text to upper case, lower case and sentence case *Added contextual menus to Outline, Characters, Locations and most other views to allow assignment of keywords, status and other attributes to multiple items via contextual menus *Added scene navigation (via arrows) from Outline, Characters and Locations views to Scenes view *Added Comic Book format support and Comic Book (color-coded) templates Touted as one of the product’s most significant behind-the-scenes releases, Montage 1.5 has added a completely rewritten styles system giving the writer much more flexibility and control, as well as easier text formatting.

Minneapolis, MN- May 13, 2008- Mariner Software today released Montage 1.5, the only Mac-only screenwriting software developed exclusively for Mac OS X and Leopard.